About Us
Supporting communities in Texas since 1990
SAPI was established in 1990 in San Antonio to provide young people and their families with educational, vocational and other community-based support alternatives to enhance their ability to achieve higher levels of development. Since its inception, SAPI has served over 25,000 youth across several communities in Texas.
SAPI Board, Brownsville, April 2024
Mission and Vision
The mission of SAPI is to organize, operate, and maintain, without profit to the corporation, facilities and centers to assist young people and their families, in providing them with educational, vocational and other community-based support alternatives which will enhance their ability to achieve higher levels of development; in providing them adequate supportive services in a manner which will effectively enhance their developmental goals; and to work in cooperation with public, private and governmental agencies concerned with the development problems of such young people and their communities, and to contract with such entities in furtherance of the above described purposes.